Thursday, May 01, 2008

New for Blogger - Scheduled post publishing

Goog news! Starting from May 1 2008, Blogger blogs can schedules future-dated posts!
You can set a post’s date into the future and the post won't be published until that time comes.

If you want to announce something on a certain date but know you wouldn’t be at a computer to make a post; or you wanted to keep posting regularly but know you’d be on vacation for a few weeks; or you have a lot blogging ideas on one day while you have nothing to blog on other days, Scheduled post publishing is the feature to help you out.

Here is what you need to do if you want to future-date your post - on the post editor page there is a “Post Options” link; click the link to show the “Post date and time” fields. Then, type a desisred post date and time in the future. When you click the “Publish” button, you will see a message " Your post has been scheduled”. When the date and time of the post arrive, it will be automatically published on your blog.

It's a nice handy feature, why not try it out yourself?

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