Monday, March 26, 2007

Monday Madness #8

1. What kind of automobile do you drive?* Mazda
2. What kind of automobile do you WISH you drove?
* I like Volkswagen, especially their new and cute beetle. Perfect for women.
3. When is the last time you bought a vehicle (new or used)?
* I bought my car 3 years ago when I graduated from the school.
4. What is your color of choice as far as vehicles go?
* I will pick silver, one of my favorite colors.
5. Do you regularly have your oil changed? * Yes, I change oil regularly.
6. How long do you generally keep a vehicle before thinking about buying a new one? * I won't change it as long as it works and looks well.
7. What kind of automobile will you buy next?* I will definitely buy a better one :-)

1 comment:

Heart of Rachel said...

I like Volkswagen too. They have nice cars. I like the new and cute beetle. Perfect for women.

Take care!