Monday, February 05, 2007

Expressive Painting #1

I am very sensitive to colors and lights. Although I am always interested in arts, I’ve never taken any art course. The only art-related activity in my daily life might be my hobby, photography. Last week I happened to find an interesting part-time program, Expressive Painting, at a local community art center. I’ve enrolled in this program to explore a totally new area. The course is for everyone, the artistic and the non-artistic alike. Expressive Painting is founded on the theory that the heart needs to express and invent and that learned techniques are not required to be creative. This non-technique method will help you discover your own original, personal style of painting. I am looking forward to developing my art potential and having fun at the same time. Stay tune for my adventure of color, form and image where no rules apply…..

Do you like painting?

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