Friday, December 08, 2006

Blue Party

I am sensitive to colors. Barbara has been playing Color Me game for a while. Let me start from BLUE, one of my favorite colors.

  1. Closest blue thing to you:
    The blue screen of my desktop & laptop:-)
  2. Are you good at calming people down?
    I have been working under high pressure in the fast-paced environment for years and I have to keep myself and others calm.
  3. Do you like the sea?
    I love the ocean as much as I love the sky.
  4. What was the last thing that made you cry?
    Tears come to my eyes easily when I watch touching movies:-(
  5. Are you a logical thinker?
    When I am working, I am definitely a logical thinker because I want to be an excellent problem-solver. But in my personal life, I am so emotional:-(
  6. Can you sleep easily?
    I dream every night, even when I have a nap during the day. Sometimes I can’t fall asleep because I think too much. I do have trouble waking up:-)
    You Are Royal Blue
    People find you difficult to understand. In fact, you often find it hard to understand yourself. You think so much that sometimes you get lost in your own thoughts!


Unknown said...

Thanks for joining the party Sunflower! Are you going to join the Purplepalooza?

Sunflower said...

I love Purple. Stay tune!